The Goodness in the World

What are some of the wonderful/beautiful/good things you witness in this world?

Although I do believe there is a lot of kindness, empathy and compassion lacking in this world, it is also filled with beautiful people who do wonderful and good things for others. Seeing as today was a very positive day for me, I wanted to elaborate on some of the hopeful things I’ve seen others do for people and animals around them. I recall, once as a little girl, we were traveling and stopped at a rest stop. There was a tiny mouse hanging out by the bush near the parking lot and I had a left over apple piece. I proceeded to give it to the mouse and I still have that picture somewhere in our old photo albums, stored away with other memories. I have seen people stop by the side of the road to offer a homeless person a meal or some coffee. I have witnessed people rescue a broken animal that was near the end of its life and nurse it back to health. I have had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of kindness with people extended an open ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on during some of my darkest times. I, myself, have tried to extend compassion wherever possible by living life in the best way I know how. There is so much I have yet to learn, but it’s a process I am willing to try and tackle. I know I’ll never master it, but I’m going to try and get as close to perfection as possible. I want to pledge to speak to others with kindness and understanding. I hope to be the type of person one feels they can approach and talk to. downloadI wish to be the human being that others admire for her generosity and inner beauty.

There is goodness everywhere on this earth if you only allow yourself to see it. There is beauty in the sky and trees and breeze. There is hope in each sunrise as a new day begins and each sunset as you have survived another day on this earth that doesn’t always treat us so kindly. There is passion in your endeavors, dreams and goals that you strive to accomplish and share with others. There is laughter in your eyes, smile and actions that people can see as they interact with you and get to know the personality that resonates from within. There is heartbreak deep in your soul that you may chose to share with those closest to you which have earned your trust. There is candor in your words, both spoken and unspoken, as actions speak louder than words. There is life in everything you do and all that you witness. Embrace this world for everything that it has to offer.


Ride Your High

How can I experience joy in life?

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” -Marianne Williamson

FullSizeRender (1)This is the quote that really spoke to me as I tried to find one to describe the happenings of my afternoon. I find my greatest moments of bliss in those that I can share with those I love and my dogs. It was an absolutely stunning day out today. The sky was the bluest I’ve seen in a while, the wind peppering sweet kisses across the skin and everything was peaceful. We took the dogs for a hike at Lick Creek Park and everyone had a blast. Lately, things have been pretty stressful and I’ve been trying to reattach myself to this earth and hold onto something tangible to keep me moving forward. Today was exactly what I needed and more. Although I know this feeling won’t last forever, I will soak it up and bathe in it’s beauty at this point. There’s nothing quite like five dogs, a good friend and breathtaking weather to invoke the soul with some magic.

IMG_6897Today gives me hope for the week and refreshed the mind. There are some challenges ahead and this week won’t be an easy walk to take, but to start off on a good note such as this always sets one up for more success in the future. I’m trying. Trying to think positively. Attempting to make good choices. Wanting to get better. When you’re depressed and anxious, it’s hard to push through the clouds of darkness and despair, at times. It’s a true process and a constant job to train yourself to stop over thinking, breathe deeply and live in the present. However, having moments such as today are wonderful reminders that it is possible and I am very much capable of doing so. Everything’ll be alright. Ride your high. Experience your joy. Invoke happiness in your soul.

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The Ingredients of Life

What are some of the ingredients of life, in your opinion?

  • A wonderful sense of humor
  • The ability to love freely
  • Determination for your dreams
  • Accepting your emotions
  • Being honest with yourself
  • Speaking your mind
  • Compassion for all living beings
  • Giving yourself time to rest
  • Being kind to yourself
  • Sense of adventure
  • Thirst for knowledge

Don’t just exist

How do you make the most of life?

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” -Oscar Wilde

Truly living is something that we really need to embrace. IMG_5846I am thankful I have someone in my life that shows me this every day. And it isn’t through words but through simple actions. The smallest joy bring a smile to his face and it gives him a reason to live with inexplicable happiness. The truth and love is in his eyes and you can see the bliss radiating from him. So, instead of just existing and going about each day in a normal way, how will you take your live and make it miraculous?

Give your life meaning. Become what you wish to be. Make your mark on this world. Allow others to remember you. Let yourself have a reason to keep moving forward. This is your life. It’s your legacy. The story is yours. Write it fully, with enthusiasm and pleasure. Let your emotions run freely and accept them. Share the good and bad times with those who tug at your heart strings. Allow yourself the freedom to express who you are. Apologize to no one for being yourself. Don’t make excuses but take actions. Aren’t happy with something? Change it. Take steps in your journey. Focus on your goal, but take time to stop and enjoy the moments that lead you there.

IMG_5839You only get one life to live. It is precious, taken from many way too soon. It passes in the blink of an eye. We push aside much of what we want for what we feel we need to do instead. Allow yourself time to do the things you want. Take breaks. Watch the world around you. Learn about others. Embrace compassionate and random acts of kindness. Educate yourself. Be true to your beliefs. Stay open minded and curious. Ask questions if you have them. Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind.

Live. Your. Life.


How can someone love you if you don’t even love yourself?

That’s a tough question. tumblr_mpzndntkx01sasd4bo1_500We’ve talked about value before. In fact, I’ve mentioned it several times. So here goes. Here is one of my biggest fears. I’m going to be as open as possible, because maybe that’s a way to heal. If it doesn’t challenge me then it won’t change me. I had difficulties articulating this in counseling today. Maybe I’m just not ready to talk about it with someone as in depth as we would go in counseling. I’ve shared it with only a handful of people. I’m so scared. What if I don’t ever find someone to love me? And how can I? I don’t even love myself. I find no value in myself. I am broken and dented. Who wants someone who has so many problems? What could I offer a person? Nothing, as far as I can tell, except for stress, sadness and being a burden.

I’ve often wondered why. For the longest time I wasn’t interested in sharing my life with anyone. I had school to focus on. I was very busy with my dog. And yes, I was very happy with that. I wasn’t craving any other relationship. These days, I have plenty of friends and I have my dogs, and no, I still don’t ever intend to have children and perhaps I won’t ever marry either, but having someone to share my life with would be nice. It would be nice to experience something different. And without it, I find myself lost and in a daze lately. Am I not good enough? It’s certainly beginning to feel like it. Putting myself out there is difficult and though I’ve tried doing so, I have yet to see any progress. Instead, it seems to be making things worse.

So how do you deal with that? Do I just give up? Should I just begin to accept that maybe this isn’t what my life is meant to be like? How do you cope with something that tears at you so much?

It seems like such a trivial and stupid problem to have. Something so simplistic and naive. But it’s something I’d like to at least experience in life. Why can’t I just have that normal life and live it to the fullest? It could be a number of reasons, but mainly, it’s because I just feel broken. And who wants to spend their days piecing together broken glass?Put-Yourself-Back-Together

Slice of Heaven

What do you love to do?IMG_3978

As many of you can probably guess from my photos, I have two dogs that I absolutely adore. There are many things that I enjoy in this world, but none more so than spending time with my dogs and enjoying seeing them having the time of their lives. Seeing them radiating joy from nose to the tips of their tails brings me happiness. IMG_4882Today, a friend visited and we took the dogs for a hike at a beautiful nature preserve area we have here. Being that the weather wasn’t too pleasant the first week of January, it was nice to get out and enjoy our little slice of heaven again. I adore taking my dogs for a hike and being in nature just gives me a feeling of serenity.

I don’t think there are many words that can quite describe just how much bliss being out there brings us. IMG_9000They do say a picture is worth a thousand words, perhaps even more, so I will let a few of my favorite moments captured speak for themselves. The rest of my day will be spent relaxing, reading and allowing myself to savor the calm aura my dogs have about them after being able to explore, play and run. There’s nothing that brings a bigger smile to my face than seeing my dogs inexplicably thrilled!


Your Legacy

What impact do you want to leave on the world?

Impact. Seems like a powerful word itself. It conveys a sense of change and importance. Many of us won’t ever be famous. Lots of us are just a background in someone else’s story. We pass through life with many collective goals and ambitions. Most of us would like to graduate high school and college. Many aspire to earn a degree. Some look for a loved one. The other half of themselves. The piece of the puzzle that completes you. Others wish to have a family. Several want to change the world. But what does that mean? To change the world. Your impact may not always be positive and yet, people leave out that crucial piece of information.

IMG_4396Despite not being a famous person or well known among many people, you can still have an impact on others. The smallest actions can cause a ripple effect and spread to the ends of the earth and back. Maybe it’s a hug you offer a friend who is suffering a tough time. Perhaps you are able to financially help someone who has been struggling with bills. Other times it may be your act to volunteer for people who may not be as fortunate as you in many respects. All of these small actions, as minuscule as they may seem to us, might be what gives someone else hope. That the world isn’t damned with all the horror we experience. That all the negative news and sadness they see is being dissipated with compassion, kindness and love.

Pass it on. Pay it forward. Treat others as you wish to be treated. These are life lessons we are taught to live by. Words such as these are instilled in our young children. While it is incredibly important to love yourself, take care of yourself and make sure that you have what you need, once that is taken care of, help share the joy with others.

I’m not a special person. Now, as strange as that may sound, it’s true. But, hear me out. We shouldn’t let how we impact others be what determines our value or importance. Unfortunately, that is very difficult for me. Currently, my life has and happiness has a lot to do with what I can do for others. I don’t place a lot of value on myself…at all. And it’s something I’m currently working on. I’m trying to recognize things that make me who I am and allow me to realize my worth in a way that doesn’t make me dependent on others. However, we should recognize that we are all capable of spreading the beauty of an outreached hand, the gesture of a gentle hug and the wonders a simple smile can bring to the world.

HRA_141024_6860Impact wise, I’d like to help people realize that compassion is important, but not just towards other people, but all the living creatures we share this planet with. We are so out of touch with nature and take the world we live in for granted. The air we breathe, sounds we hear, smells that reach us, and warmth we feel; all of those things are unique and precious. We’ve lost sight of what is truly important here. It’s the smallest things that make the biggest difference and if we can recognize the small pieces of the puzzle, the entire picture becomes clear. I hope to inspire people to speak up for the things they are passionate about. All too often, we conform to thinking like everyone else and instead of letting your feelings and thoughts ring true, we sit on the sidelines and let our voices be drowned out by the screaming masses. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone, because you could be the spark that lights the fire and brings about positive change. I hope to always be able to say what I feel and what I believe because I have the right to my thoughts, just as everyone does. Do not belittle others for their thoughts, feelings and actions. They are doing the best they can in this moment and time. Instead, if they show an interest in learning and understanding, educate in a kind way with a genuine attitude. I wish to positively impact this earth by planting trees and helping our environment blossom. I wish to educate myself about our endangered species and share this knowledge with others so that instead of destroying the earth we live on, we help it thrive with us and live in harmony with the creatures that dwell here.

There are numerous things I wish to do and I hope to share many of them here. And at the same, I hope not to be too wrapped up with life on technology and go out and experience the world. I want to travel and immerse myself in the culture of others. I want to see the world through the eyes of other people and view their passions, sorrows, laughter and tears. I hope to see hunger and starvation be put to an end and I want to be a part of it by volunteering, donating and making others aware. I’d like to see the amount of homeless pets we have dwindle in numbers and see every animal be treated with kindness, respect and fairness. Most of all, I aspire to make a difference that lasts long after I’m gone. Death may be inevitable, but your legacy you leave doesn’t have to be.