Ride Your High

How can I experience joy in life?

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” -Marianne Williamson

FullSizeRender (1)This is the quote that really spoke to me as I tried to find one to describe the happenings of my afternoon. I find my greatest moments of bliss in those that I can share with those I love and my dogs. It was an absolutely stunning day out today. The sky was the bluest I’ve seen in a while, the wind peppering sweet kisses across the skin and everything was peaceful. We took the dogs for a hike at Lick Creek Park and everyone had a blast. Lately, things have been pretty stressful and I’ve been trying to reattach myself to this earth and hold onto something tangible to keep me moving forward. Today was exactly what I needed and more. Although I know this feeling won’t last forever, I will soak it up and bathe in it’s beauty at this point. There’s nothing quite like five dogs, a good friend and breathtaking weather to invoke the soul with some magic.

IMG_6897Today gives me hope for the week and refreshed the mind. There are some challenges ahead and this week won’t be an easy walk to take, but to start off on a good note such as this always sets one up for more success in the future. I’m trying. Trying to think positively. Attempting to make good choices. Wanting to get better. When you’re depressed and anxious, it’s hard to push through the clouds of darkness and despair, at times. It’s a true process and a constant job to train yourself to stop over thinking, breathe deeply and live in the present. However, having moments such as today are wonderful reminders that it is possible and I am very much capable of doing so. Everything’ll be alright. Ride your high. Experience your joy. Invoke happiness in your soul.

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